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Image by Francesco Ungaro


Students who earn A's and B's on the extended essay generally revise their papers upwards of six or seven times. There must be NO grammatical errors in your paper. There must be NO instances of plagiarism. Yes, self edit again and again, but you also need to get the essay into the hands of peers whose scholarly abilities you admire and into the hands of adults who are willing to help. Take every precaution to ensure this is the best paper you have the ability to write.


IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The final draft of your EE and the completed RPPF will be formally uploaded to IB's IBIS website in January of your senior year. Yes, there is still a fair amount of time to improve your paper, but the deadline is out there. 

Step 7: Edit and Revise: Research

Hopefully, you already have an account with If you do not, speak with your IB English teacher or Mr. Curtis about getting access. You will not submit the EE via this resource. We want you to use this resource to ensure your paper is free from errors in the areas of sentence fluency, word choice, and conventions. The resource will also alert you if you have portions of your paper that have not been cited correctly or, dare we say it, are plagiarized.

Image by XPS
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